Management dream of a system that doesn’t tire them out


Management dream of a system that doesn’t tire them out, suffocate them with paperwork and after a long, emotional process, result in an average rating and an average increase (”Why did we bother in the first place!”) IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY

Develop a system that is short, precise, and links hiring to firing, but more importantly, is the good stuff in between!

Picture this… Staff work on their own performance system, measure themselves, and the meeting with management is about mentorship, ways to provide support, and look to sustainable improvement.

  • This can be achieved in a few focussed workshops of between 1 – 2 hours, where participants learn practical ways to quantify their work
  • A succinct info document explaining the various steps in the process is supplied at the initial meeting
  • Participants are given templates within which to implement what has been learnt
  • In order to maintain the momentum of the process, tight deadlines are set to review work done in completing the individual templates
  • Follow up meetings are generally held as a group so that all participants can gain from questions and examples raised. The number of follow up meetings is determined by the client, based on progress made.

It is important to gain buy-in to the process to ensure that the system works and measures the correct elements, before linking it to rewards, remuneration or discipline.

Be warned!! If you want to embark on this process, you need to be committed!